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Articles by Maria Still

Easing the pain of Plaster in fittings

Levello explain how it’s modular fixing system makes plaster-in fittings easy and quick to install, as well as, effortlessly accommodating to all clients changing [...]

November 4, 2021

Construction dust

Regular inhalation, of even small quantities of construction dust, can damage the lungs and respiratory airways over the course of time. Some diseases can develop quite [...]

August 20, 2021

Delivering The Best Of Both Worlds

Bond It, a key UK manufacturer of building products, has capitalised on the benefits of hybrid “cross-breeding” of chemicals and have used its technical prowess to [...]

April 20, 2021

Drug & Alcohol Use In Construction

Recent statistics have shown that the vast majority of those within the construction industry are concerned about drug and alcohol use in the workplace. With employee safety [...]

January 12, 2021

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