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Bedford Academy Gets Green Light for twelve-million-pound extension with Pick Everard appointed

Plans for a twelve-million-pound extension at Bedford Academy have been approved, marking a significant step forward in its ambitious expansion strategy. The extension on Mile Road will see 16 state-of-the-art classrooms alongside changing rooms, a dining area, and community café added to the school’s facilities. The new classrooms will have a bright, safe and simple design, with whiteboards and ICT facilities, catering for an additional 300 students. Following the extension, Bedford Academy is set to be one of the largest secondary schools in Bedford Borough, with ambitious plans to reach a total of 1,800 pupils by 2029. The two-storey extension will operate to high energy efficiency levels with ‘U Values’ that ensure minimal heat loss through the facade of the building, as well as designed to achieve Net Zero Carbon in [...]

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