“Shutdown” at Ainscough as crane drivers go on strike

Union leaders claim that “rock solid strike action by crane operators” at mobile giant Ainscough caused a “near total shutdown of operations” yesterday.
Officials at the Unite union claimed that “less than 10” of the company’s 500 cranes left its 30 depots to go to work on construction sites.
Picket lines were also in evidence at depots after 500 crane operators and support staff voted for strike action in protest over a two-year pay deal offer from Ainscough. Yesterday’s strike is the first in a series of escalating actions planned over the coming weeks through to 23 March.
A programme of overtime bans started on 30 January and will end on 20 March. A further day of strike action is planned for next Monday.
Unite national officer for construction Bernard McAulay, said: “Our members are highly skilled professionals, operating cranes on some of the UK’s largest construction projects. Ainscough has been sent a clear warning today by the workforce. Our members demand fair treatment for their hard work. The company needs to get back to the negotiating table ready to reach an amicable settlement to resolve this long running dispute.”