How technology can improve Health and Safety in Construction

Construction workers encounter a wide range of hazards that differ in characteristics and potential severity, such as dangers linked with working at elevated heights, electricity-related injuries, asbestos-induced health problems, and manual handling. As well as the variety of risks, the nature of construction work can make managing health and safety on site more challenging than other industries.
By embracing technology, like cloud-based software such as Notify, the challenges you may face when striving to improve health and safety, can instead be viewed as improvement opportunities. You can proactively improve safety standards, increase efficiencies, enhance communication and collate and action data insight to help ensure that all employees work safe and go home safe.
Here are just a few ways in which technology is being implemented to help manage health and safety, whilst driving a “safety first” culture in construction:
Mobile working
Mobile-friendly software empowers workers to assess risks and build Risk Assessments and Method Statements whilst on-site, meaning the process is quicker and hazards are less likely to be overlooked.
Applications like Notify Incident Management, allow workers to report incidents, near misses, or potential hazards on-site with just a few clicks using a mobile phone. Workers can share risk-related information, including images and precise locations instantaneously back to health and safety managers. Trends in the safety data can then be used to identify and mitigate against any potential incidents or accidents.
Notify is quick and easy to deploy and is accessible through any web browser, making it flexible and convenient for all users. All your data is securely stored in the cloud, making it easily accessible for all workers. Notify is GDPR compliant, meaning all data is processed lawfully and transparently, protecting users’ privacy rights.
One source of truth
There is no longer a need to rely on handwritten notes, as the data is recorded directly into the app and stored centrally. This not only reduces the risk of errors, it also makes managing and analysing your data easier, whilst providing a full audit trail of all events, in case you need to review historical data or demonstrate compliance to CDM requests for example.
Responsive real-time working
With Notify’s real-time capabilities, stay on top of any unexpected developments and respond quickly to any changes in circumstance or environment. Assess and add new risks into your risk assessment documents in a flash, without having to start from scratch every time. Your entire team can stay up to date on any procedural changes or precautions as they happen, ensuring that everyone is working together to create a safe and productive working environment.
Clear communication
Effective communication significantly reduces misunderstandings and mistakes and ultimately keeps your team and you supply chain safer and more productive. Implementing an online communication tool that gives you the ability to assign tasks, schedule events, and exchange information across you supply chain, different sites and work schedules will help keep workers informed, on and off-site, across any project. Take a free trial of Notify Audits and Inspections as it’s a safety management module that can help you do this.
Work smarter, not harder
Notify is a digital safety, health, environmental and quality (SHEQ) management system that allows you to simplify and streamline your safety processes. It’s a powerful modular platform that offers ease of deployment, and scalability to fit all project sizes. Harness a system that enables collaboration and defines a uniformed process with your supply chain, contractors, and workforce, to improve health and safety.
Notify takes away the time pressures and anxiety in key areas of risk management, allowing workers to focus on other critical areas within projects. By streamlining and centralising all SHEQ processes, Notify also makes it easier and less time-consuming for construction companies to take action to help keep their people safe.
If you have any questions about Notify products or would just like to arrange a chat with a member of our team, we’re more than happy to help.
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