
Geobear is the world leader in ground improvement solutions using an injected geopolymer resin.
Where buildings are suffering from structural movement, Geobear uses their non-invasive method to stabilise the ground preventing any further movement.
The versatility of geopolymer resins means they have a range of applications in the construction sector. Ground improvement is one key strength where there is a need to improve the load bearing capacity of existing foundations. At York Hospital for example the Geobear solution was used to strengthen the ground beneath the foundation pads in order for an additional storey to be built to house an endoscopy unit.
Furthermore, the geopolymer material can be used to stabilise extremely wet ground where cofferdams are installed. On occasion cofferdams are compromised by very loose watery sand which hinders construction programmes or emergency works. In these cases Geobear inject directly into the area to create a strengthened barrier around the cofferdam. This process has also been used to fill voids behind sheet piles underwater and is also used as a water seal for sheet piles where a high water table is present.
Where concrete slabs are present the geopolymer resin is used as a slab jacking application. Holes are drilled through the existing slab and material is injected to fill voids and lift the slab back to datum levels. This process has been used on Europe’s largest bottling warehouse in Avonmouth.
Geobear’s solutions are designed by structural and civil engineers using finite element. This ensures the geopolymer treatment is accurate and meets client requirements.
From construction sites, to roads, railways and airports, the Geobear solution is the fastest method to maintain and evolve existing assets.
Watch a short BBC story about Geobear working on the M11:
0800 084 3503