Construction firm raises hearing protection benchmark

CSjv mandates active hearing protection with integrated noise monitoring across HS2 sites
Costain-Skanska joint venture (CSjv) is spearheading industry change with a new hearing protection policy across all of its HS2 enabling works construction sites.
Following an incredible journey with smart tech company Eave, who’s innovative hearing conservation solution provides real time noise monitoring on site, CSjv is now mandating this active hearing protection with integrated noise monitoring from 1st September 2020 across its HS2 sites.
The two were brought together to trial new developments in Eave’s technology as part of the HS2 Innovation programme.
A mandate like this sets a new standard for the construction industry’s approach to noise induced hearing loss (NIHL), which is the most commonly reported occupational disease in Europe.
“CSjv aims to support HS2’s mission to eliminate the causes of the top five occupational diseases in construction. Our trial with Eave gave measurable results that radically improved our hearing protection measures on site. We are now implementing this change across all our HS2 sites to ensure a greater level of safety for our operatives. We are immensely proud to bring new innovation to the industry, spearheading major change in health and safety PPE.” explains Sandra Winters, Occupational Health Lead.
Eave’s active ear defenders use best in class ‘Hear-Through’ technology, that, unlike passive protection, allow the wearer to continue to hear environmental sound, vastly improving the safety of workers. These smart headsets also monitor and map noise exposure, analysing the data in real time to provide information about each worker’s noise exposure across a site. It is this combination of active hearing protection and integrated noise monitoring that CSjv is mandating on all its HS2 early works sites to raise standards across the sector.
The journey began in 2019, when Eave and CSjv won Innovate UK funding from the Department of Transport to trial their hearing conservation solution with HS2. The project reflected HS2’s desire to build a lasting legacy that transforms industry.
“With this mandate now in place we witness a transformation in the construction sector that innovation projects like this were intended to generate. It’s exciting to see such a success story that will genuinely impact lives, raise industry standards and ultimately protect the hearing of our workers,” saidHS2 Innovation Manager Rob Cairns.
Dr. David Greenberg, Eave CEO, said: “It has been a great pleasure to work with CSjv, Innovate UK and HS2 to showcase how innovative smart tech solutions can do so much more than conventional hearing protection to manage noise on site. Their support has been fundamental in the development of our products, testing our active ear defenders and noise monitoring equipment. We are now working with all CSjv subcontractors to ensure they are ready for the 1st September deadline, working together to protect the hearing of workers in hazardous noise.”
CSjv subcontractors are invited to join a webinar on 28th July to find out more about the mandate and how to implement active hearing protection with integrated noise monitoring on site. Register here.
Read more about the benefits of active hearing protection versus passive hearing protection in a blog from Dr. David Greenberg here.
Watch CSjv and Eave’s journey with HS2 here.