Technical Issue with Construction Industry Scheme Online Service

The HMRC Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) online service is currently experiencing technical issues with regard to the verification of subcontractors.
Due to a fault with the online service, which enables CIS contractors to verify subcontractors and file their monthly returns, any subcontractor verification details that have previously been obtained online are being removed from the system when they become two years old. Furthermore, any subcontractor verifications that have previously been completed by phone and then manually inputted into the online service will no longer be available. HMRC is aware of the technical problems and is investigating.
HMRC has advised that where employers are using the CIS online service for verifications and submitting monthly returns, they will need to re-verify the subcontractors that they continue to use. Any subcontractors that are affected by the technical issues and that employers no longer use will not need to be re-verified and can be deleted from the online service. When adding new subcontractors to the online service, HMRC advises that care is exercised when choosing the subcontractor category as incorrect entries may subsequently cause the subcontractor to be unverifiable.
All subcontractors should be verified using the HMRC CIS online service where possible to ensure that the information held on their records within the service is updated. It is still possible to verify subcontractors by phone through the CIS Helpline, however, where this is the case, the subcontractors will still need to be verified using the online service to ensure that their records are updated in the system. A return can still be submitted even if one or more subcontractors have not been verified.
If you are experiencing further problems with the HMRC online verification system, visit the HMRC website for guidance or call the Online Services Helpdesk on 0300 200 3600.