Platform Housing Group begin work on biggest MMC site so far

Platform Housing Group have begun work on a site in Kirton where all dwellings will be constructed from modern methods of construction. Alongside developers Burmor, they will be producing 41 homes on the former brownfield site on London Road, making it their largest site of this kind to date.
35 of the homes will be built using Green Square Accord’s Eco100 system, which is an off-site, timber framed panlised system. 6 of the dwellings will be built using a new material from Durisol UK, who use woodcrete insulated concrete framework blocks.
Luke Boekestyn, director at Burmor Construction said, “We are very excited about the possibilities at this site. We have a long standing partnership with Green Square Accord and know they will be able to deliver everything we need in terms of materials and time scales. We also recognise the enthusiasm for other materials in the MMC space, so bringing in Durisol on the smaller site to build those dwellings is fantastic. Our Quantity Surveyor on the site has a real passion for MMC as do we as a company because of the sustainable benefits for residents.”
Early indications show that all the homes built with have an EPC rating of B or even A in some cases. This aligns with Platforms ambitions to achieve ratings of C or above for all homes in its stock in the next few years.
Platform was recently named as one of Homes England’s strategic partners, receiving the highest possible grant of £250m to build affordable homes across the midlands. Part of this commitment will see them increasing the percentage of homes they build using modern methods of construction to 25%.
Gerraint Oakley, Director of Growth and Development at Platform said, “This is just one of many sites we are using modern methods of construction on and we’re really pleased with the plans Burmor have produced. We have huge sustainability goals in our development strategy and we’re confident this site will be a leading example of how well MMC can work in terms of scale and time frame.”