Panthera Group achieves carbon neutral status

Minimising impact on the environment is the most pressing policy for corporate UK and particularly for companies in the construction sector. Panthera Group has taken this responsibility seriously over the last few years with the development of EnviroHoard™, the world’s first net zero carbon LCA verified hoarding system; a sustainable hoarding system, that supports their own policy whilst helping contractor clients with theirs.
Since the launch of EnviroHoard™ in January 2021 Panthera Group has committed to planting 1850 trees and is estimated to have saved around 400 trees by installing EnviroHoard™ instead of plywood hoarding.
Now, in a step forward for 2022, Panthera Group has stepped up its own programme, which includes increased tree planting and offsetting, to achieve operational carbon neutral status. The efforts don’t stop there and the company is actively exploring further operational efficiencies across each division of the business; scaffold alarms, CCTV and Access Control, temporary site services and site office fit out. This includes sustainable transport solutions such as electric and hybrid vehicles and plant and sustainable heating solutions. Neal James, Managing Director of Panthera Group, is personally driving the policy;
“I am conscious of the need to be ethical in the way we operate our business. Of course, we have to balance sustainability with commercial pressures, so we do research all options very thoroughly. I am keeping a close eye on hydrogen as part of the overall solution going forwards and we are determined to opt for the best solutions to improve our carbon footprint. For now, that includes offsetting in projects including Rimba Reya, which is one of the largest REDD+ peat swamp forest projects in the world; avoiding nearly 130 million tonnes of carbon emissions. This privately owned orangutan sanctuary meets all 17 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Whilst we are keen to continue this, going forwards it will be more of our own internal measures that achieve carbon neutral status.”