Modular construction specialists McAvoy awarded BRE BIM certification first

The McAvoy Group who specialise in modular buildings for the health, education and hospitality sectors have become the first UK offsite construction company to achieve BRE BIM Level 2 business systems certification.
This means that McAvoy can demonstrate compliance with the UK Government’s new BIM Level 2 requirement for centrally procured construction projects which came into effect on April 4th.
McAvoy’s Design Manager, David Clark said ‘By harnessing BIM we can ensure all aspects of design and planning is shared and all team members are working to the same standards. Our specialist design teams have been using BIM to develop virtual models of our building spaces and construction processes thereby providing our clients with a full understanding of their building concept as the design progresses for several years.’
With two state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities in Northern Ireland, McAvoy has delivered over 3 million m2 of modular accommodation for the private and public sectors.
BRE Group Director for BIM Guy Hammersley said ‘This is a fantastic achievement for McAvoy, the potential for modular construction to meet the demands of public sector building procurement is significant – BIM compliance puts McAvoy is a great position to capitalise on these opportunities.’
BRE Global’s BIM Level 2 Business Systems Certification scheme assesses a business in relation to its BIM capability and policy as outlined in the PAS 1192-2:2013 and PAS 91 standards. It also considers the ability of the business to meet the requirements of an employer to implement BIM on a project