Maidstone Bus Station works to start

Works will start on the new look Maidstone Bus Station on Monday 22 March. Toenable the works to be undertaken safely the bus station under The Mall Maidstone Shopping Centre will be closed to the public and bus stops will be relocated to King Street for 12 weeks.
Maidstone Borough Council (MBC) is working with Kent County Council, Arriva, NuVenture and the owners of the Mall Shopping Centre to refurbish and improve the Bus Station.
The proposed new look will modernise the area and will contribute to increasing the vitality and viability of Maidstone, the County Town of Kent, by improving its overall image as a modern and well cared for place with excellent public transport facilities.
Cllr Paul Harper, Chair of the Economic, Regeneration and Leisure Committee at Maidstone Borough Council said: “Modernising our Bus Station will help to make it lighter and brighter and bring it up to date, these works are very welcome.
“There will be some changes while the works are taking place so please bear with us as all bus services will be relocated on to King Street. Information will be sent out about what will happen and when. This will help local businesses, schools and public transport users to understand what is happening.”
Knights Brown have been appointed to undertake the works and will have a dedicated liaison officer on hand to address any issues arising from the construction.
There will be an Arriva Duty Manager on site from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday and 8.30am to 4.30pm Saturday to help the public.
The narrow steps between Sainsbury’s and the Mall will be closed to the public during the works although access via the escalators will remain open.
A colourful mural will be designed and created specifically for the project at the King Street entrance to the bus station which is being funded by an Arts Council England grant. Youngsters from a local youth group will be involved and it is hoped the work will take place in June.
A consultation around the new look Bus Station took place last year from July until September and the top priority raised was ‘Improved Lighting’. Further improvements mentioned were ‘refurnishing floors in pedestrian areas’, ‘new bus bay signage with timetabling information’, ‘new benches and seating’ and ‘refurbishing the canopy along the Eastern side (by Sainsburys)’, all of which will be incorporated in the refurbishments.
The proposed improvement work to the Bus Station reflects one of the Council’s Strategic Objectives – ‘A Thriving Place’. The identified action will be delivered between 2019 and 2024 to modernise the area in the County Town.