Losberger De Boer

Creating space is all about providing our clients with the opportunity to make money – whether this is by enabling growth or by allowing them to keep key areas trading during periods of refurbishment.
Adding flexibility by providing cost effective structures allows clients to expand business premises to meet changes in demand, take on additional work and react to seasonal workloads with our teams working across a wide variety of industries.
This year is clearly the year of the airport – we have recently completed a ‘temporary’ Departure Lounge at Manchester Airport; originally put in place with an anticipated life of 3 years to facilitate the redevelopment of Terminal 2, this is now much longer and may even extend to 2025!
At the same time, colleagues in The Netherlands have built temporary facilities as departure halls and gate lounges for Rotterdam Airport and Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam – providing aesthetically pleasing and quick-to-build solutions in a matter of weeks.
Back at Manchester, our team are about to embark on a car park project – nothing temporary about this steel and concrete structure, it’s all about our project management skills and having a can-do attitude!
How can you enhance your business, how much more space do you need and when would you like it…?