Land & Water wins contract for works on Wroughton Reservoir on behalf of Thames Water

Leading wet civil engineering specialists, Land & Water, is celebrating winning an £800k contract at the Wroughton Reservoir in the South of Swindon, on behalf of client Thames Water.
The works are due to start in August and are a joint venture with Costain, Atkins and Black & Veatch. The project will ensure that the reservoir can continue its essential role in storm water attenuation in the area, despite it no longer being operational as a water storage for potable supply. The project is due to be completed in November.
With the initial planning stages highlighting potential access challenges to the site, the experts at Land & Water were chosen as a result of the company’s specialist plant and equipment combined with its knowledge surrounding the reuse of materials. As with all projects, Land & Water was committed to finding the most environmentally sound way of completing the project, whilst meeting its exceptionally high standards. This is part of Land & Water’s ongoing environmental commitment to enhancing and enriching the areas in which it works.
Using long reach excavators fitted with specialist attachments to enable safe working, and tracked dumpers, Land & Water will be constructing temporary access routes to and from the site, before removing trees and roots from the existing dam. The team will also be reinstating an earth slip to the south east corner of the reservoir, installing new headwalls and associated pipework, replacing existing bypass culverts, constructing seepage monitoring points and restoring existing water level operating controls.
Tom Cartmel, Project Manager at Land & Water, says: “We are looking forward to starting this project at the Wroughton Reservoir and seeing works progress over the coming months.
“Our primary focus is maintaining the safety of the reservoir but we are also ensuring the works are being carried out in a way that is sympathetic to existing mature trees, maintaining our responsibility to the local habitat.”
The project marks another successful win for Land & Water as the company continues to trade stronger than ever despite the difficulty faced in the year so far.