How can businesses achieve net zero?

Net zero is a term that refers to the balance of carbon dioxide a business uses and produces. The aim is to cut emissions to a point where there is no more added into the atmosphere.
It’s important for UK businesses to set goals that work towards this, so that the country can achieve net zero as a whole. This is integral to reducing the harmful effects on the planet and helping to reverse climate change.
Achieving these goals can seem complicated but there are variety of ways that a business can prepare for the journey to net zero and create an environmentally conscious future:
Assessing its carbon footprint
A business’ carbon footprint takes into account the amount of greenhouse gasses emitted due to actions performed by the company. These could be via heating systems, transport (including air travel), commuting and uses of external energy.
Calculating an exact figure means converting energy use into kilowatts per hour and travel mileage across a business.
Once a business knows its carbon footprint, it can set goals to reduce the impact on the environment and continually monitor its progress on an annual basis.
Implementing sustainable practices
Businesses can use a range of energy-efficient technologies to help them achieve net zero including technologies, waste-reduction and biodiversity solutions. The exact tools and practices will depend on the nature of the business, its size and its day-to-day operations.
If a business is unsure of how to adopt such strategies, then they might consider enlisting the help of ESG specialists.
Renewable energy
A large part of a business’ carbon emissions often relates to their sources of energy. Renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind energy, might mean a significant transition, but they can help a company to achieve long-term net zero goals.
This can be especially true for larger companies who use a great deal of energy such as vehicle plants and manufacturers, factories and warehouses.
Engaging stakeholders and setting targets
It’s important for businesses to promote a culture that values the importance of a net zero journey. This might mean engaging with stakeholders, employees and clients to encourage collaboration and ensure everyone is on the same page when it comes to environmental goals.
Businesses should explain the benefits of ESG to ensure targets are continually measured and monitored and individuals accountable for their contribution.
While becoming net zero is not something that’s likely to happen overnight, taking steps to commit to changing how a business operates can result in positive outcomes and help to achieve long term environmental goals.
If adopted by all businesses across the country, it’s easy to see how it can create benefits for the UK as a whole.