Henry Brothers appointed to build Derbyshire school extension

Contractor Henry Brothers has been appointed to build a new £4 million extension at Glossopdale School in Derbyshire after successfully completing the £23 million main school complex, which opened in 2018.
Work on the two-storey classroom block is expected to get under way in April and will provide a further 240 places at the school in Hadfield, near Glossop – 200 extra spaces for pupils aged 11 to 16 and 40 additional sixth form places.
It will also create additional social spaces and will be built to match the main complex of the school.
Managing director of Henry Brothers Midlands, Ian Taylor, said: “We are excited to have been appointed to build this additional block at Glossopdale School – the latest in a number of projects that we have delivered for schools in Derbyshire and following on from our successful partnership to build the main school complex at this site.
“The new development will nestle into an existing bank on the south side of the school and will be accessed via a covered walkway into the top floor, with an outdoor stairway down to playgrounds and fields below.
“Henry Brothers Midlands is looking forward to starting work on site to provide additional facilities and space for this popular school.”
The building design has been developed by DLA Architecture jointly with Derbyshire County Council and the school. The project is being funded by Derbyshire County Council.
Derbyshire County Council Cabinet Member for Young People, Councillor Alex Dale said: “It’s great news that this development project is underway, we’ve worked hard to provide the extra places needed and this is a major step forward towards the much-needed expansion of this school.”
It is expected that the new block will be completed in spring 2022.
Headteacher, Debbie McGloin said: “We are really pleased to see this extension move forward and are excited to be able to offer more places for the children in our community.”
The Henry Brothers Midlands team on the project includes DLA Architecture, civil and structural engineer Curtins and Couch Perry Wilkes for M & E services.
As well as building the main complex at Glossopdale School, Henry Brothers has also undertaken external work on the site, including developing sports pitches.
The company has wide experience of delivering school facilities in the East Midlands, including Derbyshire, and is currently building the new £13.2 million Alfreton Park Community Special School, having previously delivered a hydrotherapy pool for the school, and also completed phase 1 and phase 2 of the Aldercar High School project for Derbyshire County Council, totalling £8.7m in value.
Nottingham-based Henry Brothers Midlands is part of The Henry Group, which comprises a number of manufacturing and construction sector companies, ranging from external construction through to interiors fit-out. In partnership with clients, it has a proven track record in education, defence, accommodation, commercial, industrial, transport and healthcare sectors.
For more information, visit www.henrybrothers.co.uk