CRASH urges more to join Christmas card appeal as 50 construction companies pledge their support

Some of the biggest companies in the construction sector have united in their support of the 2022 CRASH charity Christmas card appeal. With the deadline for participation on the horizon CRASH is calling on more construction companies to take their final chance to make a pledge to the industry’s Christmas card appeal.
More than 50 businesses including British Gypsum, NG Bailey, Crendon Timber Engineering and Genuit Group have pledged their support for the 2022 Christmas card appeal so far.
CRASH helps people who are homeless and sleeping rough – and adults and children who need end of life care in a hospice – by constructing or rebuilding the hospices, shelters and homes that make so much difference to their lives.
During 2022, CRASH has been involved in a range of construction projects across the country with Emmaus, an upgrade of facilities at the Helen and Douglas House hospice for children and teenagers in Oxfordshire, and the redevelopment of a rehabilitation house in East London for those looking to remove themselves from homelessness and addiction.
The charity can only continue this work with the help of generous companies within the construction sector donating time and money.
Companies who want to participate in the 2022 appeal need to get in touch with the CRASH team by Thursday 21st December to receive an e-card, although donations can be pledged until 31st.
For the 2022 appeal, CRASH is calling for construction companies to donate what they can, but there are a range of set bundles based on a contribution of £600, £1,200 or £2,000 that can be selected by pledging companies.
In lieu of sending company Christmas gifts, the donating company receives a personalised link to their company e-card that can be sent out to the business bespoke Christmas card list, and images to showcase their support on social media.
Francesca Roberts, Chief Executive, CRASH, comments:
“I am delighted with the growing number of donors and Corporate Patrons contributing to our Christmas card appeal. Businesses have around one more week to declare their intention to contribute and still receive their own Christmas e-card, though donations will be taken all the way through to the end of December.”
To make sure your company joins the prestigious list of donors and partners, please donate to the Christmas Card Appeal at