Construction meets Sport as England International Rugby Star Ryan Hall invests in Qdeck Safety Decking system

It’s not often sports, and construction collide, but Ryan Hall decided to invest in the industry as a long-term plan for his retirement from the sports world.
Along with 3 other directors Ryan set up Qdeck 5 years ago and due to growth of the business they decided to take plans to the next level and have their very own safety decking system made. Ryan said: ‘We have come a long way and it was only a natural progression that we decided to have our own system made, we are really proud of the product and believe we have created a great working platform.’

Qdecks safety decking system is a cost-effective, lightweight system which provides an exceptionally safe platform for operatives working at height. The technology behind the system means that the injection moulded panels allow a standard scaffold to be constructed through it while still in place, thereby reducing costs and increasing productivity.

In an industry that sees over 50 percent of injuries due to falls from heights the system plays a key role in keeping construction workers safe. Director and Owner of K&K Brickwork Billy Kershaw said: ‘I’ve worked on the tools myself and have over 25 years’ experience, its important the lads are safe and are able to work at ease, I’ve always made that a priority on the jobs I put my lads on, and we have considered that when making our own system.’

After the pandemic hit companies saw huge loss in profits as build projects came to a standstill and we now see the after math unfolding with material shortages delaying jobs and staff shortages, so is it a wise time to invest in a system like Qdeck? Scott Hopkins, Director, and owner of Shadwell Developments said: ‘Yes absolutely, companies can save a significant amount of money in rental fees. By owing their own gear and moving it from job to job meaning no need for storage. That is why we have the finance option there to help support if needed and as we see times of hardship like we are right now, it’s vital companies are cutting back short-term costs and investing in the long-term plan.’
Qdeck recently underwent a company rebrand and changed the company colours from red to blue. Ryan said: ‘I think we needed a fresh look and one thing I have learnt from playing in sport is the key role the media and internet play, so we invested into our marketing team and let them do what they do best and we are really happy with the new look’.

Even though it is a career change for Ryan he feels that more rugby players should invest in the construction industry ‘it’s a growing industry and always evolving and the directors I work alongside know the industry inside out so that’s why I decided to invest’. He even got a helping hand from two of his past teammates at Leeds Rhinos who came to see his new venture and took part in their marketing campaign ‘Strong Enough to Hold a Rhino’ featuring Brad Dwyer and Liam Sutcliffe. Brad said: “I think it’s great what Ryan’s doing and were happy to support him and wish QDeck all the best for the future”.