Confidence rises for the end of 2017 as residential building grows

The latest IHS Markit/CIPS UK Construction PMI® figures have been released, revealing a more optimistic outlook for the construction sector.
The figures show that construction output is rising at its fastest pace for five months, and at 53.1 – above the 50.0 no-change value, for the second month running.
Residential building has driven the figures up, bringing a solid foundation to the growth. This is also reflected in employment numbers, which increased the greatest extent in five months.
However, work in the civil engineering and commercial sectors has once again fallen. These sustained reductions are particularly worrying, with civil engineering experiencing its longest period of decline since early 2013.
Peter Vinden, Managing Director of the Vinden Partnership, said: “This is good news for the industry, a return to confidence is being reflected in these figures, and overall, the industry looks to be turning around.
“Even with civil projects declining, this can be tempered with the release of the government’s National Infrastructure and Construction Pipeline and the Transforming Infrastructure Performance plan – which together look to bring £600BN worth of investment over the next four years.
“It is nice that the run in to the end of the year is positive and it is hoped that this can be carried through to 2018.
“It would seem as politics and economics begin to settle, the industry is finding its feet again.”