Ten new social rent homes transform garage site in Leiston

Ten new social rent homes have replaced a derelict garage site in the east Suffolk town of Leiston.
The new development at South Close includes six wheelchair-accessible, one-bedroom bungalows and four two-bedroom houses. It was built by developers Flagship Homes and its contractor, Marfleet and Blyth.
Stephen Jones, Senior Project Manager for Flagship Homes, said he was delighted with the new homes, which were all occupied shortly after the project finished in September.
Mr Jones said: “This has been a fantastic transformation. The garages previously here had been built in the 1950s, but hadn’t been used since 2011.
“The site had become something of an anti-social behaviour hotspot, so the neighbours were all in support of it being redeveloped. It looks great now – I’m really pleased with how it’s turned out.”
The eco-friendly homes each have solar panels, air-source heat pumps and electric vehicle charging points.
They are being let at a social rent rate – roughly 60% of market value – by Newtide Homes, which, along with Flagship Homes, is part of social housing provider Flagship Group.
The project was partly funded by Homes England, with which Flagship is a strategic partner.
South Close is one of two project Flagship Homes has had in this year Leiston, to help meet the housing needs of the local community. The other, called Picture House Green, will include 55 homes for affordable rent, defined as around 80% of market value, and 19 for shared ownership.
This project is due for completion by December next year.