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Northumbrian Water Appoints Morrison Water Services for Water and Wastewater Capital Delivery Frameworks

Morrison Water Services, a part of M Group Services, has been awarded two long-term framework contracts by Northumbrian Water for capital works on water and wastewater network infrastructure projects.

The framework was tendered in three separate Lots and is intended to support the capital delivery programme in both the Northumbrian Water and Essex and Suffolk Water operating areas.

Morrison Water Services has been appointed to two Lots, both of which have an estimated framework value of £10million to £50million.

·         Lot 1: Water and Wastewater Network Construction and Engineering for Northumbrian Water Operating Area

·         Lot 3: Water Treatment Construction and Engineering for Essex and Suffolk Water Operating Area

Projects released via the frameworks will be competitively tendered between framework partners. The schemes awarded will vary in value, but generally be between £50,000 to £10 million.

The scope of works covered under the wide-ranging frameworks will include new assets, renewals, modifications and refurbishments for capital works for water and wastewater networks infrastructure and non-infrastructure projects.

Water and wastewater networks infrastructure projects will include, but not be limited to, sewer flooding schemes, strategic water mains and sewer refurbishment and rehabilitation. Non-infrastructure projects will include, but not be limited to, water, sewage and sludge treatment facilities, pumping stations, boreholes and service reservoirs.

John Edwards, Managing Director of the M Group Services Water Division, commented: “Northumbrian Water has set out a clearly defined, long-term strategy that is founded on strong asset planning across its operating regions and we are delighted to have been chosen to play a role in the efficient delivery of this capital programme. We look forward to working collaboratively with both Northumbrian Water and Essex and Suffolk Water, placing safety, innovation and unrivalled customer service at the heart of our approach.”