Land & Water starts civil engineering work at Bishops Hull gauging station

Land & Water, a leading wet civil engineering firm, has recently begun a large scale project at Bishops Hull Gauging Station in Somerset. The Bishops Hull site is an important Gauging station located on the River Tone.
The works will improve the low flow measuring accuracy of the weir, upgrade our remote monitoring infrastructure, increase biodiversity at the site, improve fish migration and create safe passage for the endangered European eel to travel up and over the weir.
Fiona Moore, Divisional Business Manager at Land & Water, said: “We are extremely pleased to be working alongside the Environment Agency’s Wessex Hydrometry and Telemetry team within the South West as part of our ongoing frameworks contract.
“Challenges will arise due to the environmental constraints associated with the project however solving these types of issues is what Land & Water does best.”
Once the project is finished the new weir will improve low flow measurements which are critical in times of drought. The project will also future proof the site ensuring the river can continue to be safely monitored during high flows and flood events. As well as improving passage for the endangered European eel, it will also help more fish species such as salmon, trout and grayling navigate their way over the structure.