Laing O’Rourke appointed contractor for Brent Cross Shopping Centre

Laing O’Rourke has been appointed under a pre-construction services agreement as part of a two stage tender process for the main construction works with an overall value in the region of £700m.
Laing O’Rourke will work with Hammerson and Standard Life Investments to finalise the design and procurement in order to enable a start on site in 2018. Laing O’Rourke has a significant track record of delivering major construction projects. This includes relevant experience in retail and leisure regeneration schemes such as Trinity Leeds, Westgate Oxford and Edinburgh St James Quarter, amongst others.
The regeneration of Brent Cross London will double the size of the existing centre to 2 million sq ft of retail and leisure space. This will include up to 150 new retail stores and 50 new restaurants, state of the art leisure and cinema offer, hotel accommodation and improved public spaces including a new town square. The plans also include a relocated and enlarged bus station as well as improved transport and highways infrastructure.
The scheme is designed by award-winning architects, Callison RTKL and Chapman Taylor.
The regeneration will provide new employment and training prospects for local people including construction opportunities. With a construction workforce that will peak at around 1,200 people, the delivery partners have agreed a work experience, apprenticeships and graduate development intake that will make Brent Cross an industry training ground, while also incorporating targets for local labour and supplier engagement.
James Stevens, Head of UK Developments, Standard Life Investments said; “This is a really important step for the project. We’re delighted to welcome Laing O’Rourke to the team. They share our vision for delivering a scheme of the highest possible quality at Brent Cross London.”
Robin Dobson, Director of Retail Development at Hammerson commented; “Laing O’Rourke has a successful track record in delivering major retail and leisure projects. This appointment is an important milestone in the transformation of Brent Cross London and our plans to deliver a world-class retail and leisure destination.”
Liam Cummins, Head of UK Building for Laing O’Rourke, said; “Laing O’Rourke has the ability to drive certainty into the delivery programme through in-house technical expertise and procurement capacity, our integrated supply chain and advanced digital engineering and offsite manufacturing. The project is in total alignment with our 2025 mission to be the recognised leader of innovation and excellence in the construction industry.
“We will collaboratively define – then deliver – success for our clients, partners and the wider community on Brent Cross, undoubtedly one of London’s most exciting and anticipated retail regenerations.”