Global Smart Transformation Limited delivers whole system thinking

Global Smart Transformation (GST) provides practical routes to deliver innovation to wealth creation by accessing the entire value chain and guiding strategic thinking into tactical implementation. GST can provide collaborative opportunities to forge real partnerships that deliver for all stakeholders.
- Founder member of DECC/Ofgem Smart Grid Forum (SGF)
- SGF Work Stream 9 Co-Chair on Supply Chain Challenges
- Chair of the Institution of Engineering and Technology Energy Sector Panel
- Innovate UK Assessor
- Assessor for French Government on Energy research
- International Assessor for Swedish Government Energy research
- Former member of Birmingham Smart City Commission
- Former Vice Chair for the European Technology Platform for SmartGrids
- SME Mentor
- Local Government Advisor
- Whole systems approach
- Advice on legislation / regulation / technical / societal acceptance
- Disruptive business models as well as traditional solutions
- Advisor to governments, local councils, industry, utilities, SMEs and community groups
- Design concepts to implementation
- Is your business aware of the options in this new smart infrastructure world?
Contact us to find out more
Tel: +44 (0)1651 851 019
Global Smart Transformation Ltd.
Cardrum Steading, Inverurie, AB51 0BT