Effective, Economical and Environmentally Responsible

Despite all the rain we get, because of changing rainfall patterns and our growing population the UK actually has less water per head of population than many other western European countries, and some areas of the UK are prone to annual water shortages. The construction industry is a big user of water and we need to be careful how we use it.

When sites are muddy, and the mud is being carried off, it has to be dealt with. Planning law requires that construction sites, quarries and landfill sites take measures to prevent the highways being contaminated with mud, and local authorities have the power to close sites down if they don’t do so.

So here’s an answer! A man with a lance and bowser at the exit! Really?! Well, quite apart from the cost (lance and bowser hire, water at around £4.85 per cubic meter, the operator’s wages), it’s also environmentally irresponsible – water waste, potential water course contamination, carbon emissions from the pump, and carbon emissions from the queue of wagons waiting their turn to be “washed”.
And, consider this.
What do you get if you add water to mud?
A: More, thinner mud!
The tipper in the photograph, sitting in its own mess, will drive off and still create a mess on the road which will then have to be dealt with by a road sweeper. Which is yet another cost, and even more bad news for the environment.
A wheel wash, or as in this case a wheel wash station, isn’t the best way of dealing with the issue. A waterless wheel cleaning system like the DriveOn V-tech from Ecogreen Plant Hire can strip the mud from the tyres without using any water and send the tippers out with much less mess, so much less road sweeper hire is needed – in some cases none at all.
The patented DriveOn V-Tech system is unique as it has around 60% less surface area than a typical rumble strip. This makes it far more effective – the transverse bars are just 30mm wide and spaced at 200mm, there is much more vibration and tyre flex, more mud is removed, and it falls through not onto the bars. The system doesn’t clog and contaminate following wheels.

A typical rumble strip – more surface for mud to collect on than space for it to fall through.

The patented DriveOn V-Tech system – around 60% less surface area. Mud falls through, not on.
Many of the UK’s best known house building, infrastructure, civils and construction companies have found our unique waterless wheel wash system works very well for them and now contact Ecogreen Plant Hire when they have a requirement for wheel cleaning. We’d be delighted to survey your sites, and quote for the DriveOn V-Tech for you as well.
Hire Desk – 0800 130 3438