Construction begins on Phase II of landmark building

Earlier today at a ceremony to mark the commencement of the long-awaited phase II of building works for the historic grade II listed Temperance building on Lewisham High Street, Pastor Mike White of The Tab Church, officially handed over the keys to the construction team – Chisholm & Winch, and Principal Architect, Paul Henry, of Paul Henry Architects Ltd.
Pastor Mike White said:
“Our proposal objective for the building is threefold namely; a Church, Community and Conferencing centre.
The Tab church often hosts and holds seats on various community organisations and also offers a variety of community services. Some of the initiatives The Tab are involved with and offers to the community include: Food Bank, Youth Mentoring, Lewisham Police Consultative Committee, Project Jeremiah, Addiction and Rehabilitation service, and Seniors Club.
He continued:
“We are excited to deliver this landmark project that will offer a real epicentre for Lewisham. A sympathetically refurbished facility that will be used more than just once a week – be a mixed-use cultural hub. Work on the building will be able to commence at full speed.”
Alan Williams, Lead Contractor for Chisholm & Winch said:
“Having successfully completed the works on phase 1, it is our honour to be chosen to undertake phase II to bring the building to functional use by December. The construction team look forward to the challenge – it’s one we will relish.