Colas wins top spots in multi-million pound Highways England framework

Colas has won two major bids to carry out multi-million pound programmes for Highways England in the Cheshire, Greater Manchester, Merseyside and Lancashire area – coming first in the face of stiff competition.
Colas CEO Carl Fergusson said: ‘We are proud to be have been selected as the leading contractor on both the Highways England Lots for which we competed. Colas’s commitment to quality, our track record of effective delivery and our cost-effectiveness, all contributed to this success. It shows confidence in Colas’s strength, quality and skills.’
As highest-ranked provider on two key Lots on the Area 10 Construction Works Framework, Colas is well positioned to deliver the lion’s share of activity in the region, worth more than £16 million annually, for temporary traffic management and for road restraints.
Commitment to quality delivery was critical to Colas’s success, seeing the firm beat off rivals, especially for the hotly-contested traffic management Lot. As part of the bid process, Highways England emphasised the importance of collaborative behaviour, early contractor involvement, quality management, innovation and sustainability.
Colas was able to point to the high-quality work it is already carrying out for Highways England in Areas 13/14 CWF and nationally through other frameworks.
Additionally the firm, owned by French global infrastructure giant, Colas SA, committed to training apprentices for Area 10 as well as providing the customer with effective response times.
Mr Fergusson said: ‘This is a significant win and affirmation of our strategy for regional growth through key projects.’