Berry Hill Mansfield Scheme awarded £8.5 million in HCA funding

A MULTI-million pound mixed-use development in Mansfield has taken a significant step forwards following the signing of a funding agreement with the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA).
Berry Hill Mansfield has been awarded £8.5m in funding from the HCA for the scheme which will not only provide much-needed homes for west Nottinghamshire – but will create jobs and business opportunities through a new innovation park, varied employment land opportunities as well as a retail and leisure offering.
Richard Bowden, project representative for The Lindhurst Group, developers of Berry Hill Mansfield, said: “This is an incredibly important scheme for Mansfield and we are all delighted that the HCA is able to support us in delivering it.
“Berry Hill will provide a significant boost to the local economy, creating up to 4,000 new jobs, as well as delivering vital new homes for the area. We want to create a community where people want to live and work, and create something that the wider west Nottinghamshire community is proud of.”
Nick Walkley, chief executive at The Homes and Communities Agency, said: “The £8.5m loan we have agreed will ensure that 1,700 much needed homes in Mansfield are built, by providing the infrastructure to make sure that building can go ahead. As well as providing homes for local people, this mixed use development will also create significant employment.”
The Lindhurst Group is to develop some 480 acres of land on the boundary of Nottingham and Mansfield, to deliver an urban extension to Southern Mansfield.
The scheme will comprise serviced land for hi-tech research and development facilities, offices and industrial accommodation as well as leisure and retail, up to 1,700 new homes, a brand new primary school, children’s nursery, health centre and care facilities.
Infrastructure works associated with the first phase of development have now begun with housebuilders expected to start on site later this year. This initial phase will include delivery of approximately 500 new homes.
Kate Allsop, executive elected mayor of Mansfield, said: “There is a real need for new housing within Mansfield and the large development at Berry Hill together with community facilities such as shops, school and medical facilities within a local centre is good for the district.
“We are starting to see the detailed plans for a phased development which will see a good mix of housing and employment land. It will be good to see plenty of open spaces and play areas for the new families to enjoy. This has been a long time in the planning and I’m excited to finally start to see the detailed plans followed by new homes coming forward.”
Cllr Joyce Bosnjak, deputy leader of Nottinghamshire County Council, said: “We are delighted that the Homes and Community Agency has approved funding for this development. As well as providing a significant boost to the economic prospects of the Mansfield area, I am thrilled that it will be the first in Notts to incorporate healthy people, healthy communities principles which prioritises the need for people to be active as part of their daily life and act as an exemplar for future developments.”
Cllr Dave Saunders, Portfolio Holder for Regeneration at Mansfield District Council, added: “We’re very pleased that the project is finally moving forward and are glad that the bid for funding has been successful. We would like to thank the HCA for supporting the scheme which will bring considerable housing and business use to the area. This will be of great benefit to our district on completion.”