Amey adds to its RoSPA awards for health and safety practices

Amey’s Facilities Management (FM), Defence and Justice Business has achieved silver in the internationally-renowned RoSPA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents) Health and Safety Awards, in recognition of its practices and achievements in helping its employees, clients and contractors get home safely at the end of the working day.
The award builds on the success of Amey’s Consulting, Rail and Utilities businesses who each received Gold Medal awards – which are given to organisations with between 5 and 9 consecutive gold awards. And it’s Highways business which also received a silver award.
Amey’s FM, Defence and Justice HSEQ team where presented with the award during a ceremony at DoubleTree by Hilton Glasgow Central on Thursday, September 13, 2018.
The RoSPA awards, which is now in its 62nd year, is open to businesses and organisations across the UK and overseas, recognising occupational health and safety management systems, including practices such as leadership and workforce involvement.
Richard Bugler Head of HSEQ for Amey’s FM, Defence and Justice Business said: “We are delighted that we have again been recognised with this prestigious RoSPA awards. Health and safety is paramount to what we do as a business. Every day we are striving to achieve zero harm for our employees, clients, supply chain and members of the public.
This award is a credit to the hard work and diligence of all our employees and the introduction of our new Zero Code for working safely further underpins our deamination to achieve our goal of a zero-lost time injury incident rate by 2021 across our whole business.”
Julia Small, RoSPA’s head of qualifications, awards and events, said: “The RoSPA Awards are the most highly-respected in the health and safety arena, with almost 2,000 entrants every year, and allow organisations to prove excellence in the workplace, demonstrating a commitment to the wellbeing of not only employees but all those who interact with it.”
The majority of awards are non-competitive and mark achievement at merit, bronze, silver and gold levels. Gold medals, president’s awards, orders of distinction and the Patron’s Award are presented to organisations sustaining the high standards of the gold level over consecutive years.
Competitive awards go to the best entries in 24 industry sectors including construction, healthcare, transport and logistics, engineering, manufacturing and education.
There are specialist awards for health at work, environmental management and fleet safety, and excellence trophies for the best international, new entry, workforce involvement and organisation operating or based in Scotland. RoSPA’s top accolade is the Sir George Earle Trophy.