£7.5m contract awards = record streak for Leeds civils company

Leeds-based civil engineering firm, CORE has reported an impressive increase in demand for its services over the past few weeks with a raft of new contracts worth over £7.5m.
On track to turnover £23 million this year, the company has so far secured £7.65m worth of new work in March alone, following several high-profile contract wins, with a further £8m in pending projects.
Of the five new contract wins, CORE has been awarded three further packages of works for existing client Marshall CDP in Middleton, Leeds, Earlsfield Park in Knowsley, Liverpool and Higginshaw Lane, Oldham.
Works in Middleton, Leeds briefly comprise:
- Re engineering of existing ground
- Removal/crushing existing relic foundations
- Retaining walls
- New site entrance/Section 278 work
- Fencing
Last year, Liverpool property developer Ion Development sold Earlsfield Park development, on Knowsley Lane in Huyton, to Marshall CDP. The park – part of Knowsley Council’s Sustainable Urban Extension green belt release programme – will provide circa 22 acres of developable employment land alongside 3.8 acres of land allocated for leisure, retail, and services.
CORE’s package of works comprises grouting and construction of a new access road. The grouting will commence shortly with the roadworks commencing in summer.
The green light has also been given for a substantial works package in Oldham, comprising remediation and earthworks of land to allow for subsequent development for industrial purposes. Work will commence this month and will take 9 months.
In addition, Retail giant NEXT Holdings Ltd has awarded CORE another major package of works in South Elmsall. The works comprise the construction of a new carpark and access road link to an existing facility together with other ancillary works.
Work has recently commenced and will be completed in the summer.
Finally, as part of the ongoing redevelopment of Hixon Airfield Industrial Estate in Staffordshire, – another phased development providing space for light and general industrial businesses and storage and distribution buildings – CORE have been awarded a works package for a new client represented by PMP Consultants.
The works comprise the extension of an existing road for a future business park development and will commence this month.
Lee Ferreday, Operations Manager at CORE commented: “We have a healthy order book which sees us providing a full range of civil engineering solutions across industrial, distribution, commercial, mixed use, and residential developments throughout the North of England.
“Commercial development continues to be a very strong sector for us, and we expect to see more strategic sites coming forward in the next 6 months, underpinning continued growth in our civils workload.
“Our clients understand that we deliver schemes of any scale in a safe, expeditious and commercially viable way. Having worked with both CDP and NEXT on other notable projects, it’s rewarding to know their team have confidence in everything we deliver.”
CORE has its Head Office at Thorpe Park in Leeds and employs 80 people.